Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Early Morning Friend

  Most runners have at least some to a lot of experience with a treadmill or more commonly known as the dreadmill. Since I do a fair amount of my training while I'm on my trips, I have frequent encounters with this dreaded machine. 
   I am what is known in the airline industry as a 'slam clicker', when I get to my layover hotel I go straight to my room... slam the door and click the lock. My alarm is usually set between 1am and 2 am depending on my workout length and the departure time of my flight. The cleaning people aren't even up that early although I do run into an occasional happy partier leaving the bar. I wonder if they think they are seeing things, me walking around in workout clothes with bed head hair in search of the fitness center. I don't go out sight seeing or shopping on layovers much anymore since I've seen the layover cities numerous times over my career. I should probably also say that I am not much of a shopper unless of course it has something for do with running gear. I preplan my treadmill workouts each week so I can get speed work, hill runs and tempo runs accomplished. I also manage to get my core work and weight lifting as well. Some of my coworkers often call me crazy, insane and just straight up weird. It's dedication. It's my passion and I'm the only one who will suffer during a race if I'm not prepared. I'm the only one who will get myself across the finish line 'smiling'. Early morning crack of dawn workouts do have a few nice advantages - I don't have to wait for a treadmill, there's plenty of peace and quiet. Sometimes there is a worker or passer by that gives me that Wow you're crazy look! If you happen to walk by or come into the workout room at 2am you can even catch me singing loud and probably a little off key but the equipment doesn't seem to care. 
15 mile tempo run today 

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